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简介诚信英语作文范文_诚信英语作文范文高中       现在我来为大家分享一下关于诚信英语作文范文的问题,希望我的解答能够帮助到大家。有关于诚信英语作文范文的问题,我们开始谈谈吧。1.英语作文 做一个诚实开人怎么写2.怎样做到诚信英语作文3.英语作文做一个诚实



1.英语作文 做一个诚实开人怎么写



4.大学英语作文:It Pays to Be Honest做人应该诚实




英语作文 做一个诚实开人怎么写

       Honesty is one of the most valuable personalities of human. Only honesty makes people accepted and trusted by others. Besides, dishonesty does great harm to people. The most classic example is the Cry Wolf, a story about a boy. He paid great price for his dishonesty. There is a say that trust is like a piece of paper, and wrinkles ease also can't restore it the way it was. It suggests that once you treat the other, it's hardly for you to get his trust again. Therefore, let's be honest in daily life.





       What is integrity? Integrity is a good quality of being honest. It is a fine virtue for everyone. A man of integrity is loved by all. Without integrity, he will lose the best friend.

       Integrity is especially important for students. We should finish our homework independently. We must return books when it is due. We should listen to the teacher carefully no matter what kind of lesson it is. If we promise to do something, we should try our best to do it well.

       再给一篇长的备用吧 :


       Honesty Is Gold

       Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.

       Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.

       However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.

       In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.



       Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids。 What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest。 However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。

       Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself。 Take the case of fake milk powder for example。 After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health。 To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end。

       Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get。 Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you。 In a sense, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way。 Let’s pick up our “backpack”—honesty, and start the wonderful journey!

大学英语作文:It Pays to Be Honest做人应该诚实

       Never think you will never be detected, when you want to tell a lie. The chances are, sooner or later, your lie witt be found out and it will then expose you to shame.

        Telling a lie is morally wrong. Besides, there are many disadvantages lying in the way of a liar. First, he has to have a good memory, lest he contradicts at one time what he said in another. Second, he is always annoyed by his conscience, because he is in constant fear that his falsehood may be found out. Third, a liar is never trusted and respected by others. The result may be that his words, even when he speaks the truth, are not believed. Fourth and the last, once a person has told a lie, he cannot help telling another in order to conceal the first, and then a third and a fourth, until lying becomes ahabit. After that, he may say something untrue even when he wishes to speak the truth.

        The disadvantages resulting from telling a lie are too many to be listed. The above are just some of the obvious ones. If you want to be free from these annoyances, if you want to be a trustworthy person, never tell a lie.


        #英语资源# 导语英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章;是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型。英语作文也可以说是整张试卷中最难的板块,因为作文就是对所有知识的综合考察,所以难度大一些。对于写作能力差的同学来说,可以多看看背范文的运用加以学习。下面是 考 网!

        Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象;2.诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。It Pays to Be Honest

        Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat on exams; some applicants find jobs by using fake diplomas; some people tell lies to avoid responsibility or avoid being punished.

        Dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once they were found out, no one will buy their products any more. Asaresult, they will lose their fortune. What is more, they will even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise can win trust and respect from their customers. Because they are trustworthy and respectable, everyone is eager to be their friend and everyone wants to buy their products. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

        In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say.



       The article is mainly written with "honesty" as its main topic and "events" as its proof.


       The article tells us the truth because of a bet:black eyes gave her the heart of the fireball in order not to want blue feathers to die.


       and finally told the wise owl the truth of the incident, because of his honest quality, the wise owl reced the loss of the tribe.


       This story tells us to have an honest heart and a sincere heart to others.


       Honesty Is Gold

        Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.

        Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.

        However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.

        In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds 翻译


       诚信意味着讲实话做事公正。一个人如果说谎骗人是不诚实的。 一个人能获得成功并不仅是靠劳力更是靠诚信。



