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简介唐山大地震英语作文高一_唐山大地震英语作文高一       大家好,今天我想和大家分析一下“唐山大地震英语作文高一”的优缺点。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整合,现在就让我们一起来分析吧。1.??ɽ?????Ӣ?????ĸ?һ2.四







5.报道对唐山大地震的英语作文。time:early morning july 28,16;Pla




        After all, it had been Aringarosa

        who ge Silas life in the

        first place... in that *** all rectory

        inSpain, educating him, giving him


该不该伸出援手 作文










题目:遇到陌生人需要帮助时.你会伸出援手吗? 是高中英语作文! 哪位大神帮帮忙!

        It was almost o years ago when I first saw the disfigured man begging for money. He was at an intersection a few miles from my house and I was both horrified and transfixed by his severely burned earance as I inched closer and saw that he was handing out a piece of paper to anyone who would roll down their window to aept it. I was ready to he a look, but the light changed, horns honked and I drove away.

        About a week later, the scene repeated itself. This time I had money in hand but again I had to drive by. About 10 days later, I returned again, prepared to park and make sure I spoke with the man with the melted face. But he was gone.

        I returned several times, but never saw him again. I wondered who he was, what had hened to him -- and where he'd gone. Months later I received an email forwarded by a friend from a friend of a friend. Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man's story and setting up a loose neork to help him.

        In our home countries there are plenty of people less fortunate than ourselves and opportunities to help out, but we often tend to live at a distance, both physical and cerebral, which isn't easily bridged. For example, our town of Maplewood, N.J. borders cities with high poverty rates and lots of problems, but there aren't people living in lean-tos in our backyard. Going overseas, however, we get knocked out of our fort zone, and disparities can be particularly jarring in a developing country because of the rapid and arbitrary nature of growth and the lack of social safety . Here in Beijing, there is huge contrast beeen the expat-dominated housing pounds in our neighborhood, filled with manicured lawns and spacious modern homes, and the surrounding local villages where families live in ragged unheated rooms. The man with the melted face proved to be a bridge beeen them.

        It began in September 2006, with Justin Hansen, then a 16-year-old junior at the International School of Beijing. He had seen the man begging on the road near his apartment, seen people roll their windows up and ert their eyes. And he heard kids at school talking about the scary, freaky guy and the threats he posed.

        Justin asked the man what hened and heard the tale of Wang Ming Zhi, a 43-year-old peasant farmer who had e to Beijing four years earlier to better himself and his family. He had been working in construction, making beeen 30 and 70 yuan (beeen $4 and $10) a day. His wife and three kids had been about 700 miles away, back in rural Henan province, continuing to farm wheat, corn, peanuts and sesame. In a good year the family made about $1 a day, and Mr. Wang had wanted more for them. 'I want my children to make a job with their minds instead of their hands,' he explains.

        Mr. Wang had been in a basement room when a spark from a welder's torch fell and ignited the fumes of the waterproofing material he was lying, alighting his clothes and leing him a molten mess. A fellow worker pulled him from the basement and an hour later an ambulance took him to the hospital. As a day laborer, he had no health or disability insurance. His employer put up money to he him admitted -- Chinese hospitals generally demand an advance -- but this was the end of their goodwill.

        It was days before Chinese New Year and he should he been back home visiting his family. They were fearing the worst by the time he called after six days in the hospital. A doctor had removed a breathing tube and was holding a phone to his face. Mrs. Wang got on a bus to Beijing. After 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was depleted and he was to be released. The family's pleading won him one more day of hospital care.

        Mr. Wang treled back and forth beeen Henan and Beijing ice, in pain, finally staying here in hopes of getting more treatment and oiding the humiliation he feels in his hometown, where he is mocked for hing sought a better life. His fingers were fused together and he was unable to close his mouth even enough to oid drooling. He dragged himself out to that intersection near my house, in the heart of Beijing's expat munity, in the shadow of villa pounds and rising hotels, malls and convention centers.

        This is where I saw him and, far more importantly, where Justin and later Craig Belnap saw him. The American Mr. Belnap asked him what he needed and was told: 'Burn cream and clothes.' He returned with a bag of clothes, and offered Mr. Wang a ride home, where he discovered a shabby single room with a bed made of plywood a stacked bricks and holes in the wall covered with newspaper and magazine pages.

        He listened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin. 'The room was so full of love and affection,' says Mr. Belnap. 'I ge him my phone number and promised to help.'

        The Wangs put Mr. Belnap in touch with Justin and his mother, Chi Gao, a Taiwanese-born American citizen who had already begun to help, and they formed a loose confederation of expats assisting Mr. Wang. Mr. Hansen wrote an article about him in his school newspaper -- the first of five. He ge Mr. Wang copies, which he handed out to prospective donors. That eased people's fears, but only if they would roll down their windows. Many stepped on the gas and erted their own gaze and their children's.

        Meanwhile, Mr. Belnap was reaching out to friends and starting to collect money. Given news that Mr. Wang's 14-year-old daughter had dropped out of school to work long days in a garment factory because the family could no longer pay her tuition, he raised enough money to get her back to the classroom. They now he enough money to pay her tuition of almost $1,000 per year through high school. Some donors he expressed interest in funding college education.

        On Sept. 26, 2006, the U.S. Embassy issued a security alert about Mr. Wang, citing an 'aggressive panhandler,' and asking citizens to report his presence to the authorities. Apparently, this stemmed from uninvestigated reports. Around that time, local police ge him 1,000 yuan ($140) and told him to stay off the streets. This was a highly unusual action. Mr. Wang says that a local police chief felt sympathy and asked a large construction pany (not the one that had employed Mr. Wang) to make the donation.

        Meanwhile, Mr. Hansen's mother had gotten her personal lawyer, a local Chinese, to file a pro bono lawsuit -- a *** all but growing field in China -- against Mr. Wang's employer. They eventually won a 60,000-yuan settlement, which got Mr. Wang out of de and allowed him to he the first of several still-needed surgeries, separating his fingers some, and aligning his jaw so that he can chew better and drool less. His earance is much improved -- which would be a surprise to anyone seeing him now for the first time. Sleep remains difficult, with continual pain from his tough, dry skin.

        His o sons, ages 17 and 19, are now in Beijing working in a nearby grocery store. Mr. Wang is no longer as destitute but he is still barely able to work, because of both prospective employers' attitude toward his earance and the harsh effect of sun on his skin. There is not a lot of sensitivity to disabled issues in China.

        Mr. Belnap has relocated to Switzerland but remains in touch with Mr. Wang and other expats assisting him, all of whom he different motivations but the same goal.

        'I am a Christian and the Bible repeatedly instructs us to love your neighbor as yourself but I he never had neighbors in need of so much help,' says Lisa Rassi, an American who is providing part-time employment to Mrs. Wang, in hopes that she can one day be hired full time with experience working in a foreigner's home.

        Like Mr. Belnap, Mrs. Rassi was touched by the way she was weled into the Wangs' humble home and their gratefulness for any help offered.

        'I he never known what it is like to live in hunger or face the elements in a home without the forts of heat or air conditioning,' she says. 'I never want to fet what I he seen. I he also always tried to teach my children not to look away or be judgmental of those in need and this is was an opportunity for me to practice just that.'

        'I could also do the same thing back home in Peoria (Illinois) and I hope I will, but such an intense need never crossed my path before,' she said. 'Also, if we assist the less fortunate there, we are so separated from it. Here the assistance is very personal and tangible and you can make a huge difference with so little.'

        Mrs. Rassi says she feels honored to he been able to help, a sentiment echoed by Mr. Belnap from his new home in Geneva.

        'It sounds like a cliché, but I got more out of this than he did,' he says. 'Mr. Wang is a very kind man with a very nice family who is simply of victim of gaps in the China system. And yet, he plugs along.'

        Mr. Wang still has plenty of needs. When I visited him, he was out of burn cream and said his skin was particularly itchy. I'll be using my payment from this column to do my little part. I'm meeting Mrs. Rassi at a Traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacy soon to buy tubes of burn cream. It feels like the least I can do.


        百花论文网 那里大神多啊 想找什么样的都有










        1、 精心打造标题。








        这个 不支援主题的e


















        如果学过导数则对fx求导f'(x)=x^2>=0 x属于(-∞,+∞)

        如果没学过就根据定义 任意 x1,x2属于(-∞,+∞)且x1>x2




        小鸠插曲~花泽香菜: あした来る日:mp3.baidu./m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=%A4%A2%A4%B7%A4%BF%C0%B4%A4%EB%C8%D5%BB%A8%D4%F3%CF%E3%B2%CB


        翼年代记的 梦之翼~:mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=%D2%ED%C4%EA%B4%FA%BC%C7+%C3%CE%D6%AE%D2%ED&lm=-1

        夏目友人帐~高铃的爱してる ~:mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=%B8%DF%C1%E5&lm=-1




英语作文 各位大神帮帮忙 ! 急 !

        The World of Books

        As the saying goes, "A room without books is like a body without a

        soul." Since the ancient times, books he always been important to

        humans. It helps us learn more about the world in many different ways.

        Without books, we will not know what hened on the Earth thousands of

        years ago. Thanks to books, we he a clear history of things that he

        hened in our country, as well as in other countries in the world. By

        studying history, we learn from the mistakes our ancestors he made,

        and make sure the mistakes are never made again.

        There are many other ways books can help us. Reading books is always useful. Be sure to

        read books every day, and make it a habit.



       Tang shan earthquake










        In 16, the earthquake in Tangshan City China.

        Tangshan earthquake, is by far the most tragic earthquakes in the world history of 400 years of a page.

        Death: 240000 2000 700 69 160000 4000 800 people, injured 51 people:

       Two hundred and forty thousand people is a sad overall, in ten years ago tookcomplete activity, emotion......

        Three forty-two - 53.8 seconds......

        History will remember the earth coordinates: longitude 118.2 degrees, thelatitude of 39.6 degrees.

        Human history will always remember this moment: in July 28th one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, at three forty-two in the morning Beijing time fifty-three point eight seconds.

        Tangshan City underground rock suddenly collapse! Fracture! As of four hundred Hiroshima atomic bomb it in from the ground six kilometers of thecrust in the explosion!

        Over Tangshan, the lightning flashed and thunder concussion; earth whistling wind. In strong shake, this million population industrial city in an instant razed to the ground.


       May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake hened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can't describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to he families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!



       angshan earthquake the film reminded many memories,the 16 tangshan for experienced TangShanRen it was forever in my heart,32 years,32 years later,another catastrophe descends to TangShanRen,it may be the more able to understand,nor did they forget that the community to their help all volunteered to join the tangshan salvage team,but also because such,FangDeng and brother reunion.At that time FangDeng understand,how oneself can yao can he hate?That's own everton-star brother ah,can live much good,then it now she also forge her mother.

报道对唐山大地震的英语作文。time:early morning july 28,16;Pla


        Wenchuan earthquake since the founding of People's Republic of China since the greatest impact of an earthquake, magnitude since August 15, 1950 Medog Tibet earthquake (8.5) and in 2001 Alexander Kunlun earthquake (8.1) the third largest after the earthquake, a direct and serious disaster-stricken areas of 100 thousand square kilometers 汶川地震












        <当地震来临时> 中文



























        When the Tangshan big earthquake healed, when east 98 year flood disaster great river goes time, works as in February the storm by the will of the people warming time. on May 12! is this on May 12, a earth bang, Wenchuan by card on destiny pharynx and larynx. macrosei *** , rainstorm, mud-rock flow, I saw path collapsing, the house ash flies the *** oke to extinguish. I see old person, the middle age, also has these the children who ringing studies, like this vanishes outside very close on the horizon. why does in the my eye contain the tears pletely? that is under the ruins, has the sound micro rest and stillResounding, “I also am living now, I am very hy.” that is above the cloud layer, the 4999 meters upper airs, the jumping paratrooper plements the earth most propitious clouds, has an old person, he takes constant care of the many affairs of sate. still day and night body near most frontal zone. in remnant wall and in frequent shake, he the healthy back, looks like a big stable wall, all disasters will keep them out.


        Since 12 May, 2008 I've been watching everything concerning Sichuan earthquake with deep sorrow. It's one of the terrible disasters and tragedies in history. The dreadful number of deaths has been growing every day. We are unlucky because such a great misfortune hened to us, but we are lucky because after the earthquake numerous support and assistance e from the whole country and throughout the whole world.

        This is a battle against disasters joined by the whole country. In the battle we can only see the brilliant side of human beings. Numerous names like Tan Qianqiu should be loved and remembered forever.

        Besides donation and close attention, I can do nothing but pray for the victims, those who are still suffering from the great pains, those who lost their beloved ones, those who are sparing no pains searching for and rescuing people buried under ruins.

        Closing my eyes, crossing my fingers, I pray for the victims...

        May every blessing from here be sent to Sichuan to soothe their pains.

        Let the death rest in peace

        Let the living live stronger







        我的爱人,让我给你细细擦去手上的污泥,就像你曾经温柔地擦去我脸上的泪水。我的爱人,你宽阔的臂膀给了我栖息的港湾,更给了大震中四个孩子生命的新岸。男子汉也会累吗,你怎么躺下就不再起来?让我跪下来,依然和你保持最近的距离,让我为你温暖冰凉的手指…… ——5月14日,张关蓉在擦拭丈夫谭千秋的遗体。在地震发生的一瞬间,德阳市东汽中学教师谭千秋双臂张开趴在课桌上,身下护着4个学生。4个学生都获救了,谭老师却不幸遇难。 5月13日夜,德阳东汽中学教导主任兼政治老师谭千秋的妻子张关蓉在为丈夫擦拭。在地震发生的那一刻,谭千秋张开双臂护住4个学生,为这4个孩子赢得幸存的机会。“我们发现他的时候,他双臂张开着趴在课桌上,身下地护着四个学生,四个学生都活了!”一位救援人员向记者描述著当时的场景。“你听到了吗?你护着的那四个娃儿都活下来了!都活下来了啊,你听到了没?”张关蓉泣不成声,不停地对去世的丈夫深情呼唤。 12 日下午,崇州市怀远中学教学楼因地震发生垮塌,在突如其来的灾害面前,该校700 多名师生绝大多数顺利脱险,但该校英语老师吴忠洪却永远离开了他爱着的学生们———他带领孩子们疏散时,听到有学生掉队,义无反顾地从三楼返回四楼,这时楼体突然垮塌,吴忠洪和几名孩子被吞噬…… 学校副校长李巨集成说,这栋四层教学楼有12 个班,下午1 时50 分开始上课,就在第一节课快要结束时,突然,地面开始摇晃。大楼摇晃了约1 分钟时,中间裂开一条长长的缝,楼体裂成两半。大部分孩子在老师的带领下,从两个楼梯撤离到地面。当时,吴忠洪老师正在四楼给初一(5)班上英语。该班的男学生小斌(化名)描述了当时的情景:教室突然晃动起来,他和同学都吓得尖叫,“同学们,不要慌,什么都不要带,跟着我往下跑!”吴老师挥着手,示意全班同学跟着他往外跑。当时楼梯口挤成一团,初一(5)班的绝大部分学生跟在吴老师后面。突然,后面的同学喊了一声:“教室里还有两名同学……”“吴老师显得很紧张,马上转回身,我们已经到三楼楼梯口了,结果他又往四楼上跑,我们跑到楼下,房子就垮了,吴老师不见了……”小斌哽咽著说。接到报警后,崇州市 *** 主要领导率领武警、公安、消防、卫生等部门赶到现场,展开搜寻工作。搜救进行了整整一夜,13 日早上6 时多,救援人员才从垮塌的残砖中找到吴忠洪,他已经永远停止了呼吸。据李校长说,经过清点,除了吴忠洪外,还有4 名学生不幸遇难。记者了解到,吴忠洪老师今年45 岁,已在教学战线上工作了28 年。 消防战士跪地落泪:求求你们让我再去救一个 5月12日3时10分左右,绵竹市消防大队陈军带领消防中队第一时间赶往武都小学实施救援。 武都小学的教学楼坍塌了大半部分,下面至少埋压了100多个师生。虽然没有特勤工具,但战士们很快徒手展开救援。19岁的荆利杰第一个奔向了废墟,开始了长达3天时间的救援。余震不断发生


        If earthquake hened,firstly,don't panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don't run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,talbe or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go downstairs.If in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.Thirdly,because when earthquake hen,there are also lots of other troubles to take place,for example fire.So we should help each other when we meet trouble


        May 12 had remained a grant scar in Chinese people' heart.especially heily broken Wenchuan people's ,who were lose their relatives .

        The brutal earthquakes had killed numerous lifes ,every persons inmersed in sadness .but except the grant sadness ,what is the most important ting must to consideration about the earthquake .

        The earthquake just like the God 's order , that we can't defence it .

        But except that we he more works to do .

        Firstly , we must to strengthen the knowledge about earthquake wildspread in nomally people .especially the people who are live in the areas where the earthquake are frequent.

        Secondly,the Country's Finaice Bureau muste investment more money to the relative areas .Such as constructing more firmly buildings .

        Last bu not the least , we must he courage and confidence to over e the earthquake which isn't so dreadful !


       The Tangshan earthquake of 16 was one of the largest earthquakes in recent years. It occurred on July 28 at 3:42 a.m., Beijing (Peking) local time, and had magnitude 7.8 (revised to 7.5), focal depth of 15 kilometers, and an epicentral intensity of XI on the New Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale; it caused serious damage and loss of life in this densely populated industrial city. Now, with the help of people from all over China, the city of Tangshan is being rebuilt.

       Tangshan is located in northern China, 150 km east of the capital, Beijing. Chinese seismologists had for a long time noticed that this region showed characteristics likely to produce major earthquakes. Indeed, this kind of tectonic activity in northern China is comparatively common.

