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       Recently, the weather in Beijing is always foggy, the morning, the surrounding beautiful scenery has bee very vague, the news is also frequently reported haze hail weather and the emergence of serious consequences, haze weather has been serious Affecting the quality of the air in the north, affecting people's normal life. Especially in Beijing, haze weather almost every day. In recent years, the haze weather not only seriously affected the quality of the air, it is easy to cause asthma and other diseases, the main source of the disease. Fog haze weather in the air, contains some dust-like tiny particles, these tiny particles that we can not see with the naked eye. These tiny particles are enough to make people get lung disease. They can be regarded as invisible killer.

       So, what is the haze of the weather caused by it? In fact, the haze weather is from the car tail, cooking fumes, as well as *** oking spit out the *** oke, fireworks *** oke formation, which led to the emergence of haze weather. Do not say fog haze weather is a killer, not to mention fog haze weather is terrible, in fact, the real murderer or our human beings, human beings do not know how to protect the environment, is to destroy their own homes, so it caused haze weather, these are Is the human self-eating fruit. Of course, the situation is still irreversible, we can still stop the haze weather. We can put the car into a bike; can not eat cooking, eat stew; you can quit *** oking or cigarette *** oke can still *** oke the cigarette butts; can be less fireworks; can also plant a variety of flowers and trees, to purify the environment The Only we choose low-carbon life, in order to prevent the occurrence of haze weather. Sometimes, I wish that the car is not sprayed out of the unpleasant exhaust, but a touch of fragrance, chimneys spit out is not thick black *** oke, but crystal dew.

       I hope that our home can bee more green trees, more red flowers, birds singing more beautiful, more melodious. I believe that only we can act from their own, our dreams will bee a reality, let us all work together to protect the environment, to defend our homes, so that haze weather is no longer harm the world, so that our homes better The


       This weekend is haze weather, visibility less than 100 meters. Whether it is vehicles or pedestrians, are groping forward. No laughter, no birds, even the buildings only vague outline. And we can only stay at home, can not go out. Haze is silently enveloped the entire Hangzhou city.

       Haze haze weather not only seriously affected the quality of the air, it is easy to cause a variety of diseases. Recently reported continuously, due to the inhalation of haze, Hangzhou, the major hospitals outpatient overcrowding. So what is the haze of the weather?

       Today 's China, large and *** all factories, are erected long chimney, emitting a thick *** oke. Is the *** oke, carrying *** all dust, has bee the main force of manufacturing haze. At the same time, the exhaust emissions of cars, the New Year when the fireworks and firecrackers have bee "acplice", which led to the emergence of haze weather.

       In order to reduce the haze weather, living in Hangzhou, every resident, should establish a "haze, everyone is responsible" awareness, take the initiative to improve the air quality of the active participants. Here, I would like to make the following suggestions:

       1. Travel as much as possible by bus or bike, reduce the rate of travel, reduce motor vehicle emissions.

       2. Spring Festival is ing soon, we should be civilized Spring Festival. Less or do not put fireworks, to create a safe, healthy, environmentally friendly Spring Festival.

       3. Reform of eating habits, *** of urban open-air barbecue, the implementation of low fumes, low pollution, low energy consumption diet.

       4. Classification recycling, recycling, do not throw waste batteries and other hazardous waste, the garbage will be classified, so that the use of resources for the benefit of mankind.

       5. A variety of green, fresh air. In the home of the balcony or the corridor of the district placed in some *** all potted plants, both beautiful and clean air.

       For our home, for our health, let us act together, and fog haze weather to fight in the end!


       Recently, the serious haze is always wrapped around the city of Hangzhou, every morning, open the window, full house will be filled with foul, making the throat itch, a kind of unspeakable sad.

       Hangzhou fog haze "lock" city, most areas less than 200 meters visibility. Affected by the haze, the city into a serious air pollution among the city's seven monitoring points are in the "serious pollution" state. In Hangzhou, although the sun is empty, but the building seems to have covered a layer of gauze. Every day a door to feel the air dry, gray sky, like flying dust flying. Because Hangzhou ground humidity, wind speed is *** all, is not conducive to the dissipation of haze, so haze days lasted for a long time. Environmental protection department gives travel advice is "cancel unnecessary outdoor activities". So that our mood is not very good.

       This haze, because the human does not protect the environment, chaos row of industrial waste water, making the original clear creek, the river bees turbid, no longer have lovely fish in the water cheerfully wandering; felling trees, Drastically reduced, large areas of the forest into the desert, it is difficult to resist the sand, how serious it is ah!

       The streets are sparsely populated, few people, and few cars. Out of the people all "armed", wearing a mask, around the scarf, wearing a hat, wearing gloves. Persistent haze weather makes many people suffering from respiratory diseases, mostly elderly and children. Hospital in the sea, pediatric door packed with hundreds of children, this scene, parable to "Spring Festival". According to statistics, in recent days the number of admissions, nearly half of patients with respiratory disease, clinical manifestations of the majority of fever, cough, runny nose, and upper respiratory tract disease, bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia, asthmatic pneumonia up. Respiratory disease patients this year pared with the same period last year, the number increased by three percent.

       According to the relevant departments of the *** ysis, the haze weather is mainly due to the recent adverse weather conditions, the pollutants are not easy to spread and the amount of coal in winter caused by poor air quality. Long-term destruction of ecology is also the main cause of bad weather. So, we must protect the environment, do not continue to pollute. Our earth has now bee full of holes, and we do not destroy it!

       The haze days to the people's lives has brought great inconvenience and harm. In order to prevent the haze brought the harm, we should pay attention to these points: 1, go out with a mask 2, drink light drink plenty of water 3, fog haze less window 4, the amount of vitamin D. So that we can fight with the ruthless haze!


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       This winter haze weather has been the concern of everyone, haze great harm, there are several cities have been in its move, so we should enhance the intensity of environmental management, no longer haze weather rampant.

       The cause of the haze must have many people know, haze, of course, is posed of fog and haze, the main cause of fog is a large number of suspended in the ground air in the tiny droplets or ice crystals posed of aerosol system, is near the ground layer The product of water condensation in the air. Fog will mainly reduce the visibility, will cause traffic problems, but the harm to people is not big.

       Haze is posed of dust, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and other harmful substances in the air, it will make the atmosphere turbulence, blurred vision and lead to reduced visibility, and will cause greater harm to the human body. This kind of fog and haze two unrelated brothers together, causing unprecedented damage to the atmosphere, some of the city's air quality has reached the point of moderate pollution, and some cities have reached a serious pollution, very terrible.





       Morning, I found the outside misty, even the mountains are not clear, the sun is also lazily hiding in the bed will not get up, visibility is very low. Open the TV, the news is also talking about this thing, the original days of Nanjing, Anhui and other regions of the school because of the haze weather stopped classes, Hangzhou also let the students stop all the outdoor activities, we also have to go out Masks

       I was surprised to go and ask my mother, my mother told me: "Usually people say that the haze is actually posed of fog and haze these two weather, haze weather looks like a fog, but in fact The fog is formed by the condensation of water vapor in the ground air, and the haze is because the tiny dust particles in the air, the fine sand particles, the virus particles and so on are evenly suspended in the air, they are intertwined The weather is very dangerous to the human body, if we inhale the bacteria, the virus, it is easy to get sick, serious words will be dead.

       As far as I know, haze weather is caused by secondary pollution from automobile exhaust and exhaust emissions from the factory. Therefore, in addition to reducing outdoor activities and drinking plenty of water, we should protect our environment and protect our homes Let the fog hail away from us.


       Recently the weather is very bad, always foggy Meng, when we are still immersed in Lang Lang's reading sound, but I do not know the haze has been quietly close to us.

       Haze is really a double-edged sword, both good and bad. With the haze, we have been suspended for four days, haze can be really like "magpie like", just came to give us a heavy gift, as a student of me, how can not grateful to this good news " Magpie " The haze of the harm that is much more, just dawn, I went to the balcony a look, can not help but "wow" to screamed the whole city, no, the whole world like a fairy tale world in general, white vast One, vague, distant objects can only vaguely see the contours, and even the silhouettes have disappeared without a trace. Outside the pollution is quite serious, dust into the sky, choking people keep coughing, since they are closed, just do not want us to go out, or honestly stay at home better.

       In addition, in this weather, people are still very easy to get sick, as long as the cold, no warmth, will cause a cold, and infection is also very fast, as long as you poor health, usually do not exercise, Fortunately, my physical fitness, plus my mother is very concerned about my body, I was not infected! Haze is like a bad guy ice cream everywhere to get into trouble.

       Hey haze *** og! *** og? The Haze is really a double-edged sword.



         Just now, just in China. Came a very terrible devil, when the city more and more cars, fewer and fewer trees outside the city, he is more and more powerful. And finally he broke the shackles of his bottle, all of a sudden rushed to where we live, suddenly enveloped the city. This devil's name is --- haze!

         Even in the daytime, people are surrounded by haze, the air in the gray Meng Meng, see things can not see clearly. Children stay at home, even go out with a mask, and even in school all the way to open the lights, there are many children still sick.

         People shouted loudly at the haze: "Haze, you go back! You devil, we do not need you!"

       Haze heard, haha laughed: "In fact, I am you please e back ah! If you are driving a car every day exhaust, open in the outskirts of the factory so much emissions to enhance my strength, cut my strongest Big enemy tree vegetation. I will not be so strong, I am actually your guest ah!

         The sun came out, he could not penetrate the thick haze to bring people the sun.

         The sun looked at the thick haze and thought for a long, long time. Finally realized the uniform haze approach.

         The sun shouted to the people: "Since the haze fear of trees, then let us hurry to a variety of trees it; since the power of the haze from the car's exhaust, then we drive less! Since the haze from our polluted environment, Let's change our environment! "

         Finally one day, foggy more and more weak, and bee silent.

         The sun finally met with everyone again. When everyone is happy with the sun to celebrate. The sun warned: "We are not happy too early, we now have to cherish the earth's environment, you know, the haze of the devil, may be back at any time!"


         Morning, I stood at the window, looking overlooking, saw the sky and chaos. High - rise buildings, looming. Surrounded by a vast expanse of white. Today is Thursday, care of this haze days of "blessing", pm2.5 burst table. The city's primary and secondary schools, kindergarten students are at home to rest. We can not go to school, can not go out activities, only in the home when the "house children."

         As the haze, traffic congestion on the road, came to the traffic police uncle also brought the "anti-virus" masks. Listen to my father said that this is the mayor *** s special permission to traffic police wear a mask. Yes, they are not easy, standing in the haze, sowing the exhaust emissions of cars, in order to *** ooth the city traffic and quietly dedicated. Terrible haze power really big, let the city's students because of its history for the first time in suspension, allowing traffic police for the first time with a mask on the road mand. However, haze is not a natural phenomenon, but the human pollution caused by the atmosphere, such as automobile exhaust is the main pollutant emissions, as well as construction sites raised dust, factory-made secondary pollution and so on.

         If we humans do not act again to protect the environment, love our homes, do not know how many will appear for the first time, we can in this beautiful home happy life? I hope uncle aunt who can reduce the car to go out, the factory can put environmental protection in the first ... ... for the blue sky and white clouds, sunny, free breathing, let me act from the bit of life to start it!





         Morning together to see the window of a vast expanse of white, not snow, is the fog, haze

         Open the window, first usher in a burst of biting cold wind, followed by a noisy voice and noise of the noise. The first breath of the air, neither fresh nor refreshing, it is with a thick *** ell of tobacco and oil, but also mixed with a rotten *** ell, almost my throat, I violently cough, heavy To close the window. So disgusting, blame it! Sitting on the window, watching the crowd on the street, each of their own cover their tightly, like a strange cloth wrapped. Outside the window, it is a gray, milky white fog to all the objects are shrouded up. Everything seems to be soaked in milk.

         Did not go out, so look, but also awkward, but also unfortable, I angrily pulled the curtains. In the past, we Nanjing, blue sky is not much, but it is not so bad to the point! Step by step degradation, step by step to fall, irresponsible to human, irresponsible life, irresponsible to do all the activities, how can not be punished! Now many people, including our government, are already aware of this, and the theme of protecting the environment is already loud. But who really do it, and earnestly do it yourself Everyone wants others to do it, and on their own network open side. They thought it was hard to change. But I believe that as long as you do, there will be changes, it will be effective.

         Haze, not a natural phenomenon, but entirely due to human hands caused by a very harsh ecological environment. Hate haze, hate haze, this is not appropriate. To curse, should curse human beings, is the human body so that the city was haze layers of the threat. Alas, who knows it, so that human beings in trouble, was actually human beings. Society forward, scientific progress, and can not be at the expense of the environment. And now, most of the real estate business regardless of the environment regardless, only catch the construction period, only catch the efficiency, just to make money. The city is a large site, flying around the dust. So PM2.5 this dangerous substances continue to produce, continue to manufacture. Fog, haze, haze, haze became our life in the acpanying line of the rejection of the frequent visitors. People are part of the biological chain, not because of human and all the biological coexistence of nature, human beings do not personally destroyed the nature!

         Haze is a mistake, is a serious mistake made by mankind, hurry up to wake up, hurry up action, but also a true nature of the face!
