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简介家乡山东作文800字_我和我的家乡山东作文800字 下面,我将用我自己的方式来解释家乡山东作文800字的问题,希望我的回答能够对大家有所帮助。让我们开始讨论一下家乡山东作文800字的话题。1.关于沂水家乡美作文1000字
我的家乡亲在于山东的沂水县,那里是一座不错的小城市,有着非厚的历史资源和人文景观,现在让我来为你们介绍一下那里最著名的景点——沂水县的大峡谷吧! 大峡谷位于沂水县城西南8公里龙岗山下,是一座风貌奇特的溶洞王国,沂蒙地下奇观核心景区。规划占地32平方公里。该景区是集休闲、游憩、娱乐、度假、溶洞漂流为一体的旅游项目。洞体长度6100米,目前开发3100米,是江北第一长洞,中国特大型著名溶洞之一。洞穴沿290-320度方向延伸,由一条西北/东南走向的巨大喀斯特裂隙发育而成,形成于约0.65亿年至2.3亿年前。景观特点有四个方面:一是气势雄伟壮丽,峡谷深切近百米、两壁如削、宽处百余米、窄处仅可容身,成具体而微之地下三峡。洞内有一河、九泉、九宫、十二瀑、十二峡等景观100余处,构成了一幅气势恢宏的洞中峡谷雄奇画卷,令人叹为观止。二是地下暗河漫长而曲折,水量充沛,四季长流,地下河瀑布十分壮观,在我国北方溶洞内实属罕见。三是利用暗河水势开发的1000米漂流项目,被上海大世界基尼斯记录总部认证为“中国最长的溶洞漂流”项目。漂流道的设计充分体现了溶洞内的幽深莫测,起伏高下,波激浪涌,抑扬顿挫的特点。将地下河漂流的原生野始,惊险刺激演绎的淋漓尽致。被誉为“中国地下河漂流第一洞”。四是洞内常年温度在17/18摄氏度,冬暖夏凉,四季宜人,接待游客不受季节和天气影响。旅游区先后被山东省旅游局确定为全省重点探险项目,被山东省人民政府命名为“山东龙岗省级地质公园”,入选“2005山东十大最美的地方”。山东地下大峡谷2003年5月1日正式对游人开放,新华社3次发通稿予以报道,全国各大新闻媒体也都从不同角度作了详细介绍。经过两年多的运转,景点的知名度不断提高,游客接待量不断增加。2004年被青岛市民评选为山东十大最受欢迎旅游景区之一,2004年5.1,10.1黄金周期间游客接待量、旅游收入、游客满意率等各项指标在全省名列前茅,超越了一大批老牌的成熟景区,成为全省旅游业新生景点中的一匹黑马。2005年4月,由《中国国家地理》杂志联合全国34家媒体共同评选“中国最美的地方”,<齐鲁晚报>作为山东地区独家合作媒体,推出了“山东十大最美的地方”评选活动,山东地下大峡谷旅游区以专家组“地下大峡谷从地貌形态上具备喀斯特地貌的典型特征,具备较强的观赏性,旅游区规模设计也考虑了以普通人的旅行能力为基准,充分体现人是自然之子理念,景观特色鲜明”的一致意见和较高的游客网络电话投票入选“山东十大最美的地方”。2005年5.1黄金周在全省旅游市场整体火暴的情况下,山东地下大峡谷旅游区表现的更为抢眼,5月2日,山东电视台发布**预警,提醒游客山东地下大峡谷旅游区客满,适当调整出游行程,这也是山东电视台在这个黄金周发布的唯一的一次**预警,7天接待游客20.8万人次,游客满意率也大幅度提高,没有发生投诉事件。
为了更好的提高旅游区硬件设施建设及自身服务水准,为广大游客创造一个休闲、娱乐、度假的美好旅游环境,旅游区在一期工程的基础上,于2004年冬季进行二期工程建设:新修了景区道路和新建一处日停车1000辆次大型停车场;建设一处大型餐饮设施;龙岗山顶恢复古建筑龙翔阁;加长地下河漂流至1000米;龙岗山西侧建设参与性娱乐项目2800米大型管轨电动滑道车,并同时运送游客;洞内线路改造和灯光布置重新设计,为申报国家级地质公园,达到国家AAAA级景区标准创造了基础条件。山东地下大峡谷将以保护性开发,永续利用,可持续性发展为原则,以壮美的自然景观及丰厚的地质文化和优质细微的服务塑造文明、安全、亲善的旅游目的地形象。 全天候管轨电动滑道车是山东最长的环保游览项目之一,该项目属国内领先技术。管轨电动滑道车从地下大峡谷旅游区龙岗山顶龙翔阁前出发,沿山势而下,直达地下大峡谷入洞口,全长2800米,落差50余米,轨道设计建设蜿蜒曲折,似蛟龙腾飞,如长虹卧波,十分壮观。滑道车车体长,车身宽、操纵杆操作,安全刹车装置,游客可自行控制车速,设计车速可达15公里/小时,乘坐舒适,安全可靠,惊险刺激。游客乘坐该管轨车,不仅可免去步行的疲劳,节省游览时间,亦可俯视龙岗全景,一路欣赏沿途田园风光,近察远观、悠然自得,感受前所未有的动感体验。管轨电动滑道车操作简易,动感十足,是一项极具趣味性的观光旅游项目。
沂水大峡谷之旅可以使您:1、游览沂蒙山区自然风光,感受沂蒙山区好风光和新发展、新变化。2、游览地下大峡谷旅游区,观赏沂蒙地下奇观,体验祖国山河壮美。3、感受溶洞暗河激情漂流,乘坐管轨电动滑道车,培养勇敢探险精神。4、漫步山东龙岗省级地质公园,了解学习地质地学知识,感受自然造化之奇妙。5、感受淳朴民风,品味沂蒙小吃,体验沂蒙风情。 我爱我的家乡山东市,更爱我住的地方沂水县,欢迎远方的客人过来参观和游玩。
1 风味小吃——山东煎饼
特点: 味道可口,香味浓郁
2 淄博特产
3 烟台特产
刺 参
4 潍坊特产
5 威海特产
6 青岛特产
青岛贝雕工艺品厂始建于一九六二年,至今已有三十多年历史,是生产经营贝雕工艺品的专业工艺美术厂。青岛贝雕工艺品厂产品继承和发扬了中国的传统工艺,以珍稀螺壳为原料,综合玉、木雕和螺钿镶嵌等工艺特点,精心雕琢成平、浮、立体形式的挂画、首饰和旅游纪念品,深受宾客喜爱。尤其以近期研制的大型立体件《九龙壁》、《龙风宝瓶》、《龙舟》、《珍贝镶嵌双面座屏》,精美绝伦,颇具观赏和收藏价值。工艺师巧用贝壳的天然色泽和纹理形状,精心雕琢成多种工艺品,以构图新颖、工艺精湛、色彩绚丽、寓意深切而享誉中外,其展品陈列在北京中南海、人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂、北京国际机场、亚运村等地。 产品曾荣获国家旅游局颁发的“天马”金奖, 中国工艺“百花奖”银杯奖(最高奖),产品远销世界四十多个国家和地区。产品现有七大系列近千余件花色品种,主要包括以花鸟、人物、山水、静物为题材的贝雕工艺挂画、屏风等,规格齐全,形式多样,具有鲜明的装饰性和欣赏性,适用于各种大宾馆的客厅、会议厅及家庭和艺术装饰。还有便于携带的小型画屏、纪念品、首饰品和立体摆件,均深受国内外宾客的喜爱,是馈赠亲友、喜庆致贺、表彰纪念的佳品。
崂山是“海上第一名山”,天下第二丛林”之美誉,独特的地理环境,肥沃的土地,优质的水源培育出的崂山茶,色、香、味、形俱佳,名扬海内外。崂山种茶历史悠久。崂山云峰茶的成品茶属于绿茶,由精选崂山鲜茶用现代工艺加工而成。由于此地气候温暖湿润,光照较强,霜期也较南方长,加之昼夜温差大,茶树生长发育慢,有充分时间积累养分,故崂山茶内含营养物质丰富,有大量的多酚类、咖啡碱、芳香物质和蛋白质、 氨基酸、维生素等有益人体健康的成分。 常饮用崂山云峰茶,清心明目,兴奋解倦,止渴解毒,软化血管,促进血液循环,特别是茶内氨基酸和咖啡碱含量高,茶汤浓醇鲜爽,饮后颊齿留香,令各方品茶者赞不绝口。
无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的我的家乡山东英语作文(通用10篇),欢迎大家分享。我的家乡山东英语作文 篇1My hometown is in Shandong, Heze. There are two most beautiful places in my hometown. The east of the village brook, bright spring days, flowers bloom. Spring comes in the stream. Spring sunshine, and the wind bursts, the left side of the stream, the golden bright rape flowers swaying in the wind, exudes intoxicating fragrance. The stream seemed to smell like a flowing stream. The little bird seemed to smell and was happy about it. Beside the willows seem to smell the breath of spring, slowly spit out to tender. Then, the grass secretly germination, breaking ground, poplar generous stretch of new leaves. Xinghua also opened a flower not resigned to playing second fiddle, white and pink flowers. Spring ends slowly and summer comes.
Thirsty, hot, hot, hot air strikes. Streams greet the summer. The flowers blooming, the beauty to the world, a poplar stretched out stout branches, lush foliage is our hometown people enjoy a good place, willow is like hair girl, shy in the breeze, in the water. A butterfly, a little bee, dancing freely in the air! But also in the branches singing euphemism song, as if in praise of the beautiful spring! As Du Fu said: Butterflies always linger dance drama, energy-saving. Summer said goodbye to us, and autumn waved to us!
Autumn day long, multitude, clear sky, spring harvest, osmanthus fragrance. The stream has fallen in autumn. The golden season, the harvest season, the golden land produce good harvests. The setting sun on the horizon is inlaid with Phnom Penh, and it also gives attractive colors to the stream. The harvest of the uncle was against him. The red building persimmon, purple grapes, red apple, Black Plum Creek...... smile, saw the farmer uncle smile, see fruit; farmer uncle smiled, saw his hard work with the harvest. Bid farewell to autumn, ushered in the winter.
Yushu Yinhua, snow all over the sky, large snowflakes. Early winter, like a beautiful princess, waving the magic veil, sent bursts of cold wind. All over the mountains and Plains a snow-white, the north wind roar like a lion, a stream of water frozen into the thick ice, cold as ice cliff seam. But nothing could stop home people from playing. Skating, skiing, snowball fights, play hockey... Laughter spread throughout the whole village,..!
Then go to the west of the village and have a look. It's poetic. In the spring, a field of rape flowers surrounded the small courtyard, in the sparse fence next to, there is only one path stretched out into the distance, although the branches next to the flowers fell, but the new leaves are quietly grow out. Just as Wanli Yang said: fencing sparsely was deep, not falling into Yin tree flower. Go forward again, there is a large willow tree, its branches vertically down, green hair fall down. It's beautiful! Green makeup into a tree, 10000 dropped the green silk sash, it really is the creation of Chinese classical Zhizhang for it!
I love my hometown, where I was born and where I was raised!
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇2My hometown is located in Liaocheng city. It is located in the west of Shandong province. It is on the vast and fertile western Shandong plain. It is also called "Jiangbei Shuicheng" and "canal ancient capital"".
Liaocheng is a historical and cultural city, but also a modern new city. Here is the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale through, like a jade belt, many of the attractions in Liaocheng and places of historic interest and scenic beauty together, for example: Shanshan hall, Dongchang Lake, Yue floor, cultural square and so on. In addition, Liaocheng has many leisure and entertainment attractions, such as: Dyke paradise, Phoenix Park, dragon Plaza, Lakeside Park, old Liaocheng gardens and sports park. The ferris wheel currently under construction will be the landmark of Liaocheng and the third highest Ferris wheel in asia.
Shanshan hall visited? It was a place where the merchants of Shanxi and Shaanxi used to gather in Liaocheng during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Two yard of the old tree is said to have several hundred years of history, the old tree is still verdant, shows a wild profusion of vegetation, its vitality. There is an ancient stage in the center of the guild hall. It is made of whole wooden structure. Although it has been a hundred years old, each part of the ancient stage is still firm, so it can be seen how superb the craftsman's technique is at that time!
Dongchang Lake is one of the most famous scenic spots in Liaocheng, every visitor to Liaocheng will not miss, otherwise you will regret it. Dongchang Lake is the biggest characteristic of the "big". Its area is 3 times larger than the present size of West Lake. So why does Liaocheng have the reputation of "Jiangbei water city"? One is because the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale runs through downtown, two is because the Dongchang Lake is the city's biggest lake, three is because the Tuhai River is the largest river in agricultural irrigation, four is because Liaocheng is the four river gathering place. This is the origin of Jiangbei Shuicheng
Isn't our Liaocheng beautiful? If you want to come, I can be your guide!
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇3Ma ville natale est Weifang. C'est une petite ville par rapport à d'autres villes comme Qingdao et Jinan. Mais, à mon avis, c'est ce point qui m'attire. Vivre dans une grande ville n'est pas aussi confortable que de vivre dans une plus petite, je n'aime pas les personnes vivant dans un endroit où une infinité de bruit, et ce n'est pas facile d'apprécier ma musique favorite, si je vis dans une grande ville. J'adore ma ville natale.
J'adore les cerfs-volants de la ville, qui sont célèbres dans le monde. J'adore l'ambiance ici, qui attire des millions d'étrangers chaque année.
Peu importe ce qui va se passer, mon amour pour ce lieu ne sera jamais changé.
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇4My hometown is in Shandong. It's very, very beautiful all the year round. Of course, the most beautiful is autumn. Because, the ground is full of yellow leaves, spread a golden path. The most fun is certainly the winter, because, the winter arrived, there will be heavy snow. The children will have snowball fights and make snowmen on the thick snow, which is very, very fun. Last year, I went back to my hometown -- Shandong Province with my father and grandmother by train to see the snow.
The place I remember most in my hometown is the corn field in front of our yard. I like autumn there most, because every fall, the corn in the corn field is ripe, every morning, the day just light, we will drive a big truck to pick corn in the corn field.
To the corn field, you will be very, very surprised, because some of the ripe corn, the attraction of the earth to the corn kernels on the ground, the golden corn kernels paved a golden path. The corn kernels all over the ground are like a beautiful golden corn country. You don't see picking corn is very tired, in fact, I feel not tired at all, and I also feel very very fun and happy. Once, my brother and I were picking corn in the corn field. My brother took off his shoes and ran into the corn pile full of corn. He accidentally slipped and slept in the corn pile. After that, we took the corn kernels on the ground to throw to throw, have a good time, not tired. When breakfast time came, we stopped the big wagon in a shady spot and ate a young corn out of it.
我的'家乡山东英语作文 篇5My hometown Liaocheng is very beautiful, do not believe, please listen to me say.
We have Guanzhou Pear Garden in Liaocheng, where the pears are big and sweet and very delicious. In spring, the pear blossoms, a near pear garden, like into the vast sea of snow. There are too many pear flowers. They are really beautiful. In summer, pear trees bear a lot of small fruit, very lovely. In autumn, the fruit is rich, and people who visit can eat big and sweet pears. In winter, the gardener put on winter clothes to the pear tree, wait until spring comes, the gardener to untie the winter coat pear tree, blossom and bear fruit again. Look, the pear orchard is beautiful, isn't it?
Pear Garden is very beautiful, we have one of the most famous scenic spots in Liaocheng, Guangyue Tower, it is the central scenic spot in Liaocheng, did not look at the name of the time, I heard the moon tower, really funny. But at night, there is moonlight coming in, and the moon is very beautiful from here, so the Guangyue Tower is the most famous scenic spot in the center of Liaocheng, it's very beautiful.
I also know that let the REINS and the people in the history of liaocheng, is adopted, the person who made poor, but his industry and thrift, begs opened at an elementary school, the number of students increased slowly, the humble primary schools have got better, stone table into a wooden desk, the classmates finally not shivering in the winter, in developing slowly, now, is adopted in the high school now. My sister is there, now my sister is also very grateful to Mr. Wu Xun, you see, Wu Xun is not moral very beautiful?
My hometown Liaocheng is so beautiful!
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇6My hometown is in zaozhuang, shandong province, which is not only the hometown of the world-famous railway guerrillas, but also the famous "ten thousand mu pomegranate garden" and the beautiful "liucun pear garden". But the most let me like to number "Liu Cun pear garden".
When spring, the trees are covered with white pear, a branch, a tree, as if under a vast snow, yushu qiongzhi, various forms, is really very beautiful. Close to see, some flowers opened a few petals, showing only a little yellow stamens, some in bud, like inlaid in the branches of the water crystal clear, some all in full bloom, and like a dancing butterfly. In this blooming season, attracted many tourists to come here to enjoy the flowers, they walk, look at the walk, while taking pictures for the children that came bursts of laughter, and this refreshing fragrance of flowers, as if into the "fairyland on earth".
In the summer, the pear garden with luxuriant foliage, the trees are covered with small pale green pears, like a lovely little bell, is really endearing.
It was autumn. Pear Garden is a scene, yellow sweet pear ripe. That golden big sweet pear, asing if is crowded together fat doll, under the sun, again like a tree full of shiny small lanterns, let a person see the chan mouth water, at this time, you can't help but took a bite gently, wow, it's thin skin, tender meat, and the sweetly juice into the mouth, let a person ate also want to eat, is really delicious.
I love my hometown, more love hometown pear garden, it adds a bit of beautiful color for our hometown.
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇7My hometown - Jining, is a beautiful and rich city. She is known as: the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the state of propriety, water features, the ancient canal capital.
Jining, to Jie Ling, there have been many celebrities from ancient times. The great thinker and educator Confucius was born here. Mount Tai rose from here. The Yellow River flows into the sea from here. A grand canal, thousands of miles of clear water flow, sailing end to end, all over Jining state. Ten people on both sides of the strait points, the restaurant song pavilion corresponding smell, up and down the fire according to the fire, traffic people embrace. This is the Jining Canal on both sides of the picturesque night picture; The waves of a big river are wide, the wind blows the rice fragrance on both sides, and my family lives on the bank... This is Qiao Yu's classic depiction of his childhood in Jining, his hometown.
Jining, there are many beautiful sceneries. In March each year, the peach garden is full of Surabaya. In summer, the lotus flowers in Weishan Lake are superior to the shy flowers and close the moon. The lotus flowers in the lake are delicate and beautiful with their green leaves. Autumn, chrysanthemum opened, white, red, purple, yellow eyes, Zengqi douyan. Winter, occasionally under one or two snow, to the building wearing a warm white velvet hat, to the fields covered with thick quilts, to bring endless joy to children... The four seasons make my hometown more beautiful.
Jining, there are many rich specialties. Sweet and sweet Longgou grape, famous at home and abroad jinxiang garlic, hand-woven fabric exported to overseas markets - Lu brocade, tribute products in Beijing - Yutang pickles......
The beautiful and rich Jining is the place where we have been growing for generations. I believe, through our efforts, she will become more beautiful and rich.
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇8My hometown is in Shandong Province. It is located in North China. It is a place with a long history, and it is also a shipping center.
During the Spring and Autumn Period more than two thousand years ago, what is now Shandong Province was divided into two small states: one was Qi and the other was Lu. Many famous people in ancient times had their hometowns in these two countries. The most famous of them was Confucius. Confucius' hometown was Qufu in the State of Lu. His students recorded his words and deeds and compiled them into the Analects of Confucius. After Confucius died, people built the largest Confucian temple in China for him. Every time on the birthday of Confucius, many people would come to offer sacrifices.
Shandong is a peninsula, part of which extends to the vast Bohai Sea, so it is also a shipping center. A major port in Shandong Province is Qingdao Port. Hundreds of millions of tons of things are exported and imported through the country every year.
If you go to Shandong, you must go to Mount Tai. Mount Tai is the central eastern mountain of the Five Mountains. Although I have not been to Mount Tai, but listen to my father said Mount Tai has one thousand five hundred and forty-five meters high, can only climb up from seventeen thousand steps. What if you ask when is the best time to climb? I tell you: 4:30 in the morning is best. Because as soon as you climb to the top of the mountain, you will see a spectacular sunrise. When the sun first came out, the sky and the sea were a deep red, and then a thousand rays of golden light shot out, and the sky and the sea slowly changed color: orange-red -- light red -- orange-yellow -- bright yellow, and then the sun rose.
My hometown is actually in Dezhou, Shandong Province. One of the specialties here is Dezhou braised chicken. Dezhou braised chicken is delicious, and it will be even more delicious if it is paired with Shandong pancake. The braised chicken here makes people think about straight slobber, eat, it will have an endless aftertaste.
I am proud that there are so many famous people, so many tourist attractions and so many delicious food in my hometown.
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇9My hometown is in Shandong Province, which is a beautiful and rich place.
Spring is coming, Baotu Spring water singing beautiful songs, jumping a cheerful dance to wake up a sleeping winter of the earth. Therefore, the blue sky of thousands of miles of Weifang above the wind flutters many, all kinds of kites, hospitable Shandong attracted friends from all over the world to participate in, but also spread the Chinese culture to the world.
Summer is coming and the sun is scorching. Don't forget to visit Qingdao when you take the train to the seaside. There, you can not only taste delicious seafood, but also wander in the underwater world and have close contact with big sharks, Millennium turtles. Secretly tell you a little secret: did not come to the undersea world, let alone you to Qingdao oh.
Autumn is a season for climbing mountains. Let's make an appointment to climb Mount Tai together to watch the sunrise and enjoy the red leaves. If you are lucky, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the rising sun from the top of Mount Tai. When a red sun slowly rises from the east of the moment, is so spectacular and moving.
When the earth is covered with snow and thousands of trees and pear blossoms are in bloom, the Shandong Peninsula, which is pregnant with vitality, has returned to its former tranquility. Rivers, mountains, trees, villages are covered with a thick layer of snow, firecrackers, laughter from thousands of families fly out, fly to the distant sky......
How, is my hometown beautiful? Visit my hometown and I'll be your guide.
我的家乡山东英语作文 篇10My hometown is in Heze, Shandong. There are two most beautiful places there. On the east side of the village, by the stream, the spring is bright and flowers are in full bloom. Spring came to the stream. Spring, and the wind bursts, the stream left side of the golden dazzling rape flowers swaying in the wind, sending out an intoxicating fragrance. The stream seems to smell it, flowing with the joy of the stream. The bird seemed to smell it and whirled around happily. Next to the weeping willow seems to smell the breath of spring, slowly spit out tender buds. Then, the grass secretly sprout ground, poplar generous stretch new leaves. Apricot flowers are not to be outdone, out of the white flowers and pink flowers. Spring is winding down and summer is coming.
The scorching thirst, the scorching sun, the scorching sun, the hot wind. Summer came to the stream. Flowers blooming smiling face, the beauty left to the world, hits the poplar stretch out of the sturdy branches, thick branches and leaves are a good place for our hometown people to enjoy the cool, hits the willow as if the girl is combing her hair, shyly to greet the breeze, according to the water. Butterflies and bees are dancing freely in the air! Oriole is also in the branches of the euphemistic singing songs, as if in praise of the beautiful spring! Just as Du Fu said: The butterfly is always dancing while the delicate warbler is singing. Summer said goodbye to us, and autumn waved to us!
Autumn long day, full of fruit branches, days high clouds light, spring planting autumn harvest, cinnamon fragrance. Autumn is coming to the stream. The golden season, the harvest season, the grain is abundant, the land is golden. The setting sun in the sky is inlaid with a Phnom Penh, which also gives an attractive color to the stream. Is against the farmer uncle's harvest. Red light building persimmon, purple grapes, red apple, black plums. The stream smiled, saw the farmer uncle smile on his face, saw the fruit; The farmer uncle smiled and saw his hard work had a harvest. Farewell to autumn, ushered in winter.